Thursday, February 23, 2012

Baby Burp Cloth Tutorial

I found that making burp cloths are so easy and they can be made with scraps that you already have! I made some with the left over fabric that I used to make my son’s crib bedding (they match the nursery!).

The burp cloths in this tutorial were made with an animal print that I bought long before I was even pregnant. I thought it was so cute I just had to buy it to add to my fabric collection…I knew I would use it someday! My favorite thing about sewing your own projects is that you can costomize them with your own fabrics to match your style & taste.

 A standard burp cloth is 10-12 x 15-20 inches. I chose to make mine 10 x 18 inches. I wanted to use the cotton animal fabric, but for more absorbency I used a layer of flannel. For the back, I used white chenille…it is amazingly soft but can be tricky to sew because it stretches.
Start by cutting your fabrics:
  • Front (blue) and Back (white chenille, not shone) 10 ¼ x 18 ¼ inches (1/4 inch is for the seam allowance)
  • Front strip (animals) 9 x 10 ¼ inches
 Iron ¼ inch seems on both sides of fabric strip (animals).

Center strip onto flannel piece, sew down. I used a zigzag stitch.

Align front and back of burp cloth right sides in, pin together (if you use chenille I suggest using a lot of pins because it tends to stretch when you are sewing it).
Sew ¼ inch in on all four sides, leave an opening (2 or 3 inches) so you can turn it inside-out (or is it outside-in?).
After you turn inside-out, flatten the corners and edges, then sew around the outside, about ¼ inch from the edge. Where the opening is, make sure the fabric is folded in. When you sew ¼ inch around the edge, it will seal the opening shut.
And you’re done!
I hope this was helpful! I would love some feedback (this is my 1st tutorial)! I am looking forward to using my new burp cloths with my son! 


  1. Hi Hanna! Great tutorial but a little late for me :-). Congrats! I love that black fabric with the animals on it. I might have to search for some of that! Hugs ... sue XXOO.

  2. Oh Hanna! This is great! You're such a good mom already. Little Jordan Junior is going to have such fancy beautiful cloths to throw up on!

    And you have a son! That is crazy! It'll register when I finally meet him, I think. :D
