Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Baby Mobile

Ever since my cousin introduced me to this bird mobile a few years ago I have wanted to use the bird pattern in a nursery.

When I first started deciding what to put in my son’s nursery I didn’t want to make that exact mobile because I thought it was more appropriate for a girl's nursery. I found this other mobile on Pinterest that I liked and thought it was easy enough to make on my own.

After a snow storm that broke many branches from the trees in the back yard I found the perfect branch for the bird mobile. I kept it just in case. As I cut out hundreds of circles and assembled the spheres for the second mobile I decided that I could combine the two mobile ideas. This is what I came up with:


  1. Ahhh! So cute! I'm glad you're doing birds because birds are SO you. I love everything about your nursery so far, you've outdone yourself!

  2. Hanna, that is gorgeous! Wish I could be there this weekend. Love you!

  3. Heather, I couldn't leave birds out of the nursery, you know how much I love them!

    Lauren, Thank you! I really wish you could come this weekend too! We'll post pictures for you! Love you!
